
The indefinite, it-depends style theory

2:18 AM

Black layered top Thrifted | Floral pants Just Got Lucky | Black Wedges Fashion Stop
Safety pins bracelet DIY | Dice Ring DIY | Other rings Quiapo | Bag Thrifted

To try to define something is an attempt to constrain and limit (Entuna, 2010).

It’s something I’ve come up with after contemplating on what my true style is. When I was tagged by Lee to answer a certain set of questions, the 7th one which was, "What is your personal fashion style?" was something I couldn't answer a hundred percent - not even to myself.

The more I try to do so, the more that I feel I'm being boxed. The only thing I’m sure of is that a lot of factors are interrelated in whatever set of clothes I put on. It depends on what I feel on a day to day basis. However, it also has something to do with the weather, with the occasion or with the place I’m going to.

Unlike other girls who wear shorts, skirts, pretty dresses, and a pair of heels MOST of the time, my lifestyle dictates otherwise. As much as I would like to, the fact remains that I’m a commuter. People who have their own cars have the advantage of wearing whatever they want.

On my part, I have to be as casual and as laidback as I can be to avoid attracting too much attention. My commuting staples are loose tops, leggings or pants and minimal accessories. There were days when I wanted to be really girly and all dolled up; sashaying the streets in my favorite floral mini dress and black wedges. On second thought, I didn’t want higher chances to get held up or stared at. Safety first right?

For footwear, flats, sneakers and boots (with low heels of course) are my best friends especially when I walk from my house to the jeepney station. Since I climb a height of steps in MRT and in crossing an overpass, such conditions would murder my feet when paired with stilettos, pumps or sky-high wedges.

Moreover, my body issues also restrict me from wearing every clothing piece ever designed. I’m vertically challenged, flat-chested, slightly toned, heavy-bottomed (right on the thigh part to be exact) and short-legged. Learning to love these physical attributes comes with accepting that there are clothes that will never (ever) flatter me (no matter how much I desire them to fit).

Other imperfections like hyperactive sweat glands inhibit me from wearing plain bright colors and pastels. I have to rely on black, white and printed chiffon to conceal sweat marks. Meanwhile, my huge thighs mean staying away from light-washed and printed jeans or leggings.

Lastly, my budget plays an important role. I don’t aim for things I certainly cannot afford. Saving up is my priority and dressing up comes in second. Here is when resourcefulness comes into play. I have to do a lot of mixing, matching and experimenting in order to make do of my not-so-many clothes, shoes and accessories.

In a few words, I can summarize it as: moody, lifestyle based, resourceful, adaptive, unpredictable and changing.

Funny because, the ironic part is… it doesn’t matter how many limitations (on my style) I can write down. When things get simplified, I realize that the very core of my style and wardrobe choices are totally free and totally me.

PS. I knew my floral pants would make my legs larger but I couldn't resist! I wanted to wear them so what the heck!

Photos by: JR Espejo and yours truly ^_^

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  1. I have been asked that question as well, and I am usually pretty stumped. My style is always changing, and I am never really sure where I am.

    I also dig that you love your body, and you dress the way that makes you the most comfortable. I also dig that that includes those amazing floral pants.

  2. This outfit really complements you and you look absolutely gorgeous!! I'm in LOVE with the pants even if i could never pull them off myself xx

  3. Wow I just discovered you through Eden, anyways I have something to look forward to again in my links...

    I love your floral pants...take care...new follower here!


  4. hey,nice outfit and nice blog too
    i really like your black wedges :)

  5. I love your post! :) And by the way, nice outfit! :)

    Like you, I also have clothing restrictions since I'm a commuter too. We don't want fellow jeepney passengers staring at our flashy, sexy or too loud outfits eh?

    hehe. More power sis!


  6. thanks for your suppaa lovely comment, Melai :D nice blog you have! I love it too! I'm following it :) anyway, wanna exchange link? psst, I love your DIY projects, can I have it too? I'm gonna try it, the safety pins bracelet. suppa cool! I need your permissions, hehe, if you don't mind! you really inspiriting me! cheers!

    xoxo, bee ♥
    Missing Bee?

  7. your pants are cool.. it's very eye-catching and i think you made a smart move by pairing it with a mute top in a neutral color.. :D

  8. I really liked reading this post, Melai! I agree with so many of the topics you brought up. You tackled all the topics practically!

    When I'm commuting I would have to be EXTRA creative to come up with a stylish outfit. Can't wear anything too revealing, can't dress in layers, can't be too flashy. It's a challenge for us to work around that , I suppose. I like how practical you are! I often wonder how those girls can trot around in heels and skintight outfits all day.

    My body type would be chubby arms and bottom heavy (both butt and thighs). I also like to dress accordingly. Knowing your body type is a huge help in knowing how to dress.

    While, my style is always evolving I would say I'm getting closer to finding it. Sounds like you are too

  9. Thanks for all your comments!

  10. @ B:

    Thanks for the comment. I'm not sure how many people actually read or just look at my blog. I felt happy knowing that you read my thoughts and that you had something to say about it. Makes me smile. :)

    Love reading yours and A's entries too :)

    Melai :)

  11. ooh cool pants! :D nice outfit, i like it!

    {no, it's not about birds}

  12. I love your outfit, its very fun and colorful

    P.S thank you for the comment :)

  13. Another fashionista from Manila, sooo kyut! i lav et!!!

    I'm following you too doll face!!! I love your pants and your hair OMG so gorgeous!!!

  14. Hi Melai, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. :)

    I love the floral harem pants. I think it perfectly suits your figure. It actually makes you look taller! And I think you're really brave for commuting in striking clothes. If everyone in Manila had your mindset, this city would be eyecandy. ♥

  15. melai, hats off to you. this is GORGEOUS. and its hard to pull off. but you just do it!:) amazing.

    thanks for keeping up with my late postings. i promise itll be better soon. i look forward to yours too!


  16. oh i saw those pants from just got lucky site and i love it! but it's sold na. you're the one who bought it pala. :)

    thanks for visiting my blog dear! love your blog. i'll add u to my link list!

  17. Great post. Love your pants. I completely agree that personal style is hard to define with words

  18. Cool Safety pin bracelet!
    It's so creative and unique. :)

  19. great outfit, so bold - love it!

  20. awwww thanks love, i appreciate it... im flattered... honestly, i dont have any style, i just wear what i think thats comfortable and nice... as long as i find it nice, thats the only thing that matters...xx im glad u followed me and im honored!

    u know wot, i have a high waisted mini skirt much similar like wot u wearin! i love florals now too! theyre spirit lifters!

  21. melai, thanks so much for telling me dear! i found someone to interview already pero thanks pa din. :)

    i love your outfit! every piece in this look is just so lovely!

    and what you wrote here, absolutely true! I can relate with it and you pulled the words right out of my tongue! that is indeed a problem of mine too since I commute to school din. knowing that someone else feels the same way is a relief. akala ko kasi nagsusuffer yung pagka-love ko sa fashion and that i'm not a true blue fashionista 'coz i don't go all out when going to school, but your post reminded me that that's not the case at all. lovely blog dear!:)

  22. I enjoyed reading this post, Melai.I agree with what you wrote about comfort in wearing shoes, especially for commuters like us. ayaw ko din maging center of attention.haha.And like what I have mentioned before, I can totally relate with being budget conscious."save more.spend less." hehe. I like you talaga melai.you're a perfect example of "no pretensions".
    p.s. inggit ako sa pants mo.you know what,di na ako ngpapants ngayon kasi wala ng ngkasya sakin.tabachingching na. haha

  23. these are such LOVELYYY pants !
    they ork really well with the wedges :)
    have a great weekend..
    and as always, thanks for your comment at my blog :)

  24. wooaahh lovely pants... hehe i like! thanks for dropping by my page. :) followed you!


  25. your floral pants are so pretty! they look so great with the wedges! such a lovely outfit dear xxx

  26. crazy fun style, lvoe this!

    xx raez

  27. what a chic commuter outfit!! i used to commute from rizal to quezon city all the time when i was in university there! and i believe you when you say that outfits must first and foremost be comfy and laidback.. you never know with manila traffic and weather.. hahaha! :D

    Animated Confessions

  28. I sooo love this post Melai, I can totally relate. I am short and I have fat legs so as much as I want to wear cute ruffled skirts, hanggang tingin lang ako. Kulang ako sa confidence haha :D

    Im also a commuter (and I walk a lot) so I know how uncomfortable it can get kapag naka-heels. Idagdag mo pa na naka ultra-girly outfit tapos meron mga mama na nambabastos, saan daw ba ang party haha. I just give them the nasty look. :)

    Nice entry and photos, as always <3

  29. i totally agree with what you said about not being able to go all out in styling due to the daily commute. Amen!

  30. tagged you in one of my blog posts. you're such a darling. i admire you. i hope i can start my own online shop like you do. i have always been a junkie for fashion but i can never afford them. magazines helped me with what's in and out or what's hot or not. I will surely keep on reading your posts. :)


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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