
This is wear it started

1:49 AM

Photo shoot title: "The Follow" - the art of stalking.
Striped sweater Friend's | Pleated skirt Fashion Stop

Jumping in the bandwagon.

I just opened my chictopia account. Though I'm not really the type who wants to post or blog about the same outfit twice (even thrice), I decided to give it a try. I forgot the term, but psychology has an explanation for such behavior - wherein people go for what's the "in" thing. Also, a lot of stylish and inspiring people are there. People with clashing sense of fashion - a great opportunity to acquire exposure to different fashion aesthetics as I continuously work on mine.

You can see my badge on the sidebar. It's just annoying that there are errors about it that I don't know how to fix. If you feel like dropping by my style gallery, you're welcome! Add me as your friend (teehee).

Anyway, the first two outfits posted there were never placed here in this blog simply because those were taken two years ago. It was the shoot that started it all; unlocking the hidden desire in me to be at my most stylish and most fabulous self. Back then, I agreed to help out my friend Judd for his photography and styling project by filling in as one of his models.
The first photo above was the cover and the rest of the photos are here (weee).

Would you mind being stalked by someone as cute as RK? Haha.

I'm not Ana. It was my "character name". Haha.

Gray sweater Topman | Pleated skirt Fashion Stop | High cut shoes Adidas | Studded belt | Canvass bag

I remember how awkward it was for me to pose, to emote, to work the clothes. What I liked about my friend was that he directed me well enough for me to be able to follow quickly. Even though I didn't know if I was doing things right, plus the fact that I was paired with a "cute" guy that I just met on the day of the shoot itself (imagine how self conscious I was), by miracle, I was able to wing it.

This photo surprised me. Got a lot of chic points. ^_^

White top
Black vest Friend's | Pleated black skirt Fashion Stop | High cut shoes Adidas |
ON R.K: White shirt | Denim pants | Yellow dunks Nike | Gray scarf used as headpiece | Cube necklace

When Judd showed me the photos about a week after, I was thrilled. I didn't expect to look that good (wahahaha). I remember how my multiply album was flooded with comments that made my heart melt. I couldn't believe that it was almost two years since these photos were taken.

Didn't imagine that time that after two years, I'd be blogging here in Style and Soul.

Photos by: Judd Figuerres

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  1. WOW. These photos are really incredible! I love the lighting and everything.

    And WE'RE LIKE TWINS. I just got chictopia, too! Well, that's a lie... I've had it for a few months, but never posted pictures. Figured it'd be a good summer thing!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. i love that last photo.. it's so cute and kilig somehow.. hahaha! :D im in chictopia too! :D

    Animated Confessions

  3. wow the photos are really amazing...I love your pose and how you projected in front of the camera...one of my favorites for sure...

    take care love

  4. These photos are amazing. The last one is captivating.


  5. great photos! i love, love the last one. i have a chictopia too but hindi ako masyadong active :)

    Parade of Dresses

  6. I'm on chictopia too :P It's a bit of a chore sometimes uploading photos to so many different sites but as you said it is a great way to be exposed and at the same time expose yourself to so many other styles. I've discovered some of my favorite blogs through chictopia.

    Anyway your hair was so nice even then! I like both styles on you though you definitely look more chic and gamine with short hair!

    B from A plus B

  7. Hi Melai! Thanks for dropping by my blog too..:) I'm glad that you like my style :):)
    followed u back!



I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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