
Simple joys

12:23 AM

Black top | Denim jacket used as skirt Garage Sale | Black military heels St. Francis
Bag Maison Gilfy | Gray hat SM dept. store | Neon warmers DIY | Random accessories

Blessings are life's equalizers.

Before I proceed to the main purpose of this entry (clue: read the title), I just like to share with you this very mixed-up day. As much as I am motivated to study, which means reading a LOT, I couldn't because I am sick. No matter how I try to brush off the ill feeling, the cold, cough, headache and fever just interfered with my focus, comprehension and analysis. I drank the required meds (of course, because mom's a doc) and slept or should I say overslept my way through it. Unfortunately, nothing changed when I woke up. So here's to me, hoping to get better - the soonest time possible.

Despite the sickness, God is still good (I know for sure). Certain things transpired these couple of days and I was inspired to jot them down in a blessing list of the week.

Since I encountered my failure earlier this year, I've been feeling down almost every time - especially before I go to sleep. You know the feeling... when you've had your shortcomings and you tell yourself you've forgiven yourself and all you wanted was move on, but no matter how much you attempt to do so, after every waking day that you'd feel happiness and God's blessings, you still couldn't figure out why it keeps you so sad, down and teary-eyed deep in the night.

I've been almost always feeling that way and so, I wanted to do myself a favor and just smile and count the simple joys in life that made me smile.

1) My best-est friend Micah came for a visit yesterday morning. It was just so uplifting to talk to the ONLY person whom I could pour my heart out to.

2) JK the closest girl to me in school dropped by my house in the afternoon. We had a lot of catching up and our feel-good and comforting conversations made up for all the physical illness I've been dealing with.

3) Lee of Spunk and Glam sent me a text message telling me she bought me accessories and will send them to me for free! Wow. It's more than winning a giveaway. Never did I imagine that someone that I just met in the blogging community would do that. I find it very thoughtful. I was like... AAAWW.

4) I received my very first (and second) blog awards! Honestly (please don't kill me for this), when I was new in blogging, I thought that passing something like this is really corny. But after understanding the ways of the blogging world, being rewarded even just by as simple as this reinforces the fact that someone out there really appreciates you.

Thank you very much to Shatirah of D-Station from Malaysia and Susuana of Susuana Love from London for giving me the following: Versatile Blogger Award (c/o Shatirah) and Sunshine Award (c/o Susuana).

Mababaw lang ang kaligayahan ko (little things make me happy) and I hope the people whom I'll forward this award/s to will feel the same way! To make it more personal, I made my own badge award hihi. I'm giving these awards to: (Claim your awards ladies!)

Ate Denise of Denise Katipunera

Denise of Simone's Fashion Closet

Lee of Spunk and Glam

Arianne and Bea of A Plus B in the Sea

Ana from Anagon's Blog

Gizelle of Vanilla Ice Cream

Aisa of Drowning Equilibriums

Lloyda of Fashionista Fortune Cookie

Bella of Missing Bee


1. Please support SHOP: Style and Soul or go to my online store's official website F-STOP (fashionstopshop.tk)

2. For F-STOP's anniversary giveaway, a dress and a blazer for F-STOP clients are up for grabs!

2. You may receive a blessing this week by joining Fashionista Fortune Cookie's giveaway! She's giving away cool Giordano blazers. Don't miss it.

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  1. Your very welcome and i love the new design :) xx

  2. aahhh haven't been here for the longest time!! i miss your rad and funky outfits!!!! love the legwarmers and the heels with it.. so cool! :D

    hope you feel better! :D

    Animated Confessions

  3. Aww...you deserve that award dear...of course your blog is as colorful as you are....

    Sometimes we do feel that way, but all we have to do is move on and think positively...we cannot hold on to the pass because we can never succeed...

    I had those down times, but I already forgave myself for all the crazy decision and all. Now I am trying to fix everything and just living life happily....

    as long as you are happy then that is more than enough!

    take care love
    keep smiling always!


  4. Don't you just feel blessed to have friends like those who can instantly lift up your spirit?:)
    I do hope you're feeling better!

    I love how you made a skirt out of that denim jacket! and my eyes went straight to the neon warmers!:) Enjoy the rest of this Sunday!

  5. you can do it melai! just hang in there and soon, you're going to reach your destination. From what i can infer from this post, you are a strong woman, and even though you feel defeated you try to look at things in a positive way. TAMA yan! :)) anyhoo, get well melai and i hope you feel better (emotionally) soon. :)

  6. Oh! Nice styling here, dear :) Youve got great taste! :) I hope you feel better soon. I also read your post on your so-called failure. I had the same fate as yours. Or maybe worse, because it wasn't a choice I made. I wasn't able to graduate on time. I was about to submit my supposedly last draft of the thesis when I was asked to made further changes. That stopped me from joining the graduation march. I was heartbroken since I already rented the gown and cap and all that. I was devastated even if a lot of my batchmates were still staying behind. I was just too afraid to disappoint my parents. But then, it turned out pretty well in the end. Ah, this is too long already. Haha! Just, wishing you all the best! :))

  7. lovely outfit!
    love the jeantopskirt :)


  8. thanks for the award melai! really appreciate talaga! :D

    i'm sorry to hear that you've been sick...hope you get well the soonest!

    i sent you an e-mail! wanted to comment it here but it was way too long na...hehe. :D

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  9. Aww unique outfit! I must say I like the skirt :)
    Plus the shoes! Awesome outfit all in all!!

    Aviator Shades

  10. Get well soon! You'll get through this :)

  11. Simple things make me happy too... and those simple things never fail to make me smile. That's one of my life's secrets. I find joy in the most minute details. Super babaw din kaligayahan ko Melai. Hahaha!

    Congrats on the awards. xoxo

  12. PS... Hope you get well soon! I'm battling my coughs and colds too. xoxo

  13. Cute outfit! I especially like the whole skirt thing!


  14. Oh wow! Thank you so much Melai! It's so nice of you to award our lil blog. You're the sweetest :)

    I have blue days like that sometimes. Where I am like 'what is wrong with me? I am so blessed but why I am I feeling gloomy'. I blame it on womanly hormones sometimes. Haha! But reading uplifting books (self-help books are my guilty pleasure) always help me fix my mind set. I think it's great you are trying to think positive. I'm sure you'll go far with that kind of attitude.

    B from A plus B

  15. blahhh i hate feeling sick. ive got the cough and colds, stupid weather. hope you feel better!
    and you can try copying the pants if i can try copying your jacket as skirt idea :D


  16. Wow! You are so unique using a denim jacket as a skirt. This is amazing. You are very talented.

    Let me just say that I really enjoyed this post because I could really relate to it. This is my first day of making progress from an awful cold that attacked me this weekend. But, I prayed about it and now I feel much better.

    This post made me appreciate the simple joys as well!

    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  17. love the idea of the denim shirt used as a skirt!!


    follow if you like what u see?


  18. i love how you made the denim shirt into a skirt! very brilliant idea! :)

    thanks for that lovely comment you've posted on my blog, dear :) unfortunately, when i published it, it was moderated already which i haven't done really!!! ugh!!! blogspot is acting up again :( too bad cos i loved ur comment so much!!!! thank you!!! xx

  19. you know what I actually made a skirt from my old bf polo but I haven't sewn it yet hehe :)I want a photo shoot with you may be we could fix our schedules!lemme know!:)

  20. What a great idea by turning that shirt into a skirt. It totally works on you. :) Hope you're having a great day!

    xx Love & Aloha

  21. nice idea on the demin jacket used as a skirt :)

  22. gycstlu9e

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