
Tying the knot

10:42 PM

Peach top | Peach, pleated floral skirt Thrifted | Peep-toe Booties Ichigo |
Zipped-up black corset belt Landmark | Bow Baclaran | White rose ring DIY

“The last time I’ll fall in love.”

That was my best friend’s mindset when she decided to marry her boyfriend of five years at the age of 23. Micah and I have been BFFs since pre-school and even though she’s two years older than me, I’ve always played a major role in her decisions in life.

However, she spilled the beans about her wedding only a week before the said date. Can you imagine how disappointed I was? I’ve always been the first person to know and being one of the last people to be informed about it, I was really, really upset… at first.

Being the sister she never had, I wanted to be her right-hand maiden at planning and organizing the wedding ceremony. But when she explained that they wanted a civil wedding for the meantime, and really intended to surprise other people including their own families, I understood and respected their choice. Contrary to popular belief, as young as they may be, there’s no baby on the way yet (ehem judgmental people, haha).

The ceremony was straightforward and solemn. My best friend has always been a plain Jane; totally my opposite. She hates dressing up, always in a cute blouse, jeans and a pair of flats. I styled her according to her demand – minimal and simple. She wore a white multi-way dress (very practical outfit too) and decided to do the Venus-goddess style because it complimented her body type best (slightly broad shoulders). I used small faux roses as a hairpiece and for accessories, I layered all my pearl necklaces and added an over-sized floral pearl ring.

After the ceremony, I offered them a post-nuptial photo shoot with the help of my boyfriend JR. This time, I changed her dress style, placed muscle-cut sleeves but retained her accessories and over-all look.

White dress 168 | Heels Confetti | Pearl necklaces | Rose hair piece SM dept. store |

Of course it was her day and I didn’t want to take that away from her. I opted for a color that won’t grab too much attention. It was my first time to wear peach (ever). Since my pleated floral skirt screamed a very feminine vibe, I put on a zipped-up corset belt, wore peep-toe boots and placed a bow on my top to add a little edge and to make it more modern.

Seeing my best-est friend in the whole world in that blissful moment, I could never be so much happier. Teary-eyed, I couldn't believe how my crybaby playmate, my confidante is now a wife and is about to build a family. I have to let her go. It breaks my heart that she just moved in to Patrick's house when before, her home was just beside mine. Anytime we needed each other, we were just a call or text away and we come to each other's rescue in a heartbeat...

Though I'm still in an adjustment period, I understand that she's now in a whole different chapter. Despite the differences in our lives now, I know we won't grow apart. I will be with her all the way and I just wish them God's best in everything.

Just a thought to myself: "When will it be me?" Hahaha. Well... I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else so I hope my present is my last as well.

How about you? Thoughts on love or on friendship? Do you have to let friends go along the course of life? You are most welcome to share. ^_^

Filipino bloggers, please don't forget to drop by my shop for fabulous items!
I'm currently having a SALE! Weee!

Photos by JR Espejo and Melai Entuna

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  1. this is sweet of you to take post-wedding pics :) ang ganda lahat! pati the way you styled your bff! :)
    naku pano kaya kung wedding na nating mga "fumafashown" baka super over-the-top! :D hahahaha!

  2. You look adorable! Great blog!
    Enter my giveaway? http://theurbanfashiongal.blogspot.com/2010/06/csn-gift-certificate-giveaway.html

  3. i love how you styled your friend's wedding dress, Melai! simply brilliant how the whole look changed just by adjusting the sleeves!

    i honestly can't wait till one of my friends get married, just because i'd want an excuse to dress up. since we've already outgrown debuts, weddings are now the ones to look forward to! i can't believe how fast we're growing old. haha. unfortunately, i don't see it happening anytime soon to my bestfriends who are in relationships at the moment. aw, man.


    boat ride through the sky

  4. The silhouette shot is so beautiful... I love it. And you are looking gorgeous Melai... love how you added that bow to make the outfit really YOU. :-)

  5. I really enjoyed reading this post, Melai. You always share such interesting little parts of your life.

    I think it's neat that your BF got married young. I've always thought that would be so nice but of course, it's not normal in Philipppine Society. (unless you're pregnant :P) It must be nice to experience being young newly weds where you can spend a few years together without being pressured by relatives to have a baby yet because you're getting old. WOw! I am such a girl to give so much thought to this topic. Hehe.

    You styled her so beautifully-she looks pretty, elegant and still youthful. Their post-nuptial shoot is so simple and sweet too. Your friend is very lucky to have you!

    B from A plus B

  6. awwww... i love weddings! :)

  7. Aww young love, so sweet!

    Love your belt! We have similar boots too wow! Yours is leather?

    Btw, yes, please try my DIY. :)

  8. @Ana: Thanks :) I know right? I wonder too :)

    @Urban: Thanks for dropping by. Awesome giveaway :)

  9. @B: Thanks for the positive feedback on how I styled the bride. :) The thoughts you shared are really nice and very true :)

    @Lloyda: Thanks! I love weddings too :)

    @Ashley: my boots are made of faux leather by ichigo :) Thanks!

    @Alexandra & Dorothy: Thanks dears!

  10. such beautiful photos
    love the blog


  11. I'm not one who's really into weddings, but I've got to say that these shots are just so amazing and sweet. So different than the usual too-happy, forced posing that I see A LOT of in wedding photography. The one of her looking in the mirror? Ahh, it's so gorgeous.

    And the booties in your outfit, to die for!! Thanks for your sweet comments love, hope you continue to follow my blog! Yours is super!


  12. this makes me miss my bestfriend or let's say ex-bestfriend more...and i miss her everyday. when we were young, we always planned to be each other's maid of honor on our own weddings...but we had a falling out 3 years ago and i haven't spoken to her since...

    best wishes to your best friend melai! and don't worry with a friendship as strong as what you two have, you'll have each other for a lifetime!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  13. congrats to ur BFF! :D
    btw, i love the last shot..it's so romantic and lovely :)

  14. Best wishes to your friend it looked like an amazing day!! Love your dress its so cute and look gorgeous on you xx

  15. i love your outfit and also the last photo.. so romantic!

    thanks for your comment on my blog dear... love :)

  16. awww you and your best friend are so sweet! you did a great job styling her and you took such gorgeous pictures of the newly weds! and your own outfit is fantastic of course. i love the peach! :)

  17. thank you for following me :)
    i'm following you back

  18. ang sweet naman ni melai.it's so nice of you to take pre-nup shots nila.more blessing sa inyo ni boyf mo.
    i love your outfit dear.
    p.s. parang kelangan ko nga ganyang belt melai.haha.

  19. beautiful couple.

    you'll get closer pa for sure. Pramis. It's true that when you get married you enter this whole new different kind of life. You mature, you go forward, but trust me on this when i say that you'll always come back to each other. Kasi when you're together with your best friend, you get to be your old self again. No worries of budgeting, meals to prepare, house to clean, laundry to do. you;re not a mom, you're not a wife, but you're a friend.We all need our friends. I always make sure once a month magkikita kita kami ng girlfriends ko. Four kami, isa na lang hindi married. two has babies already, ako na susunod. When for of us are together it's different. It's always fun.

    am always reading your blog. but i try to stay away from the computer as much as possible kasi baka tamarin na ako at mamanas ako. hihihi. katakot yun. But am always lurking you.

  20. love your peach top! :) and great photos!
    aww, your comment really makes me... *blushing* thank ou very much! x)
    by the way, nice shop! waiting for the new stuffs!


  21. hello :) i love your top. congrats for your best friends. i hope you will have a great friendship w/ her for 50 years ahead hihi <3
    xoxo, Icha

  22. thanks for the comment! i loved your outfit when i stumbled on this blog so i knew i had to follow! i hope you win my contest! if not, there's more for this whole month! :)

  23. Just found your blog.........its adorable!! These photos are goegeous, and I love your dress! xoxo

  24. that is so sweet of you to take pictures of them. they look so happy, please extend my best wishes to them :)

    you look gorgeous in peach and your belt added that edgy look. lovely outfit.

    well, i also have a bestfriend with whom i signed a pact that we will be each other's maid of honor haha :)

  25. congratulations to your best friend dear!
    cute outfit you wore!
    Thanks for your comments. :)

  26. rhanks dear :) that's very nice of you :)
    you look pretty too :)
    have a nice day and happy weekends!

  27. Hi Melai :)

    I'm a new reader and just wanted to say hi! Good job on styling the bride, and of course, your outfit is too cute for words!

  28. I love your belt.


  29. this a really sweet post!! You and your friend looks great. You did a great job styling her this way!

  30. this is such a sweet post !
    congrats to your friend there !
    the styling is fab too :)

    thank you very much for your comments !

  31. aw, gorgeous photos! congrats to your friend!

    xx raez

  32. aawww that last photo is just precious!! :D congrats to your bff! :d

    Animated Confessions

  33. Love the outfits and the photos!Great blog!


  34. The skirt is gorgeous!


  35. Such a sweet little wedding. Your friend does look so beautiful! Love the way you styled her dress as a goddess.

    You yourself look so darling in your outfit. Love your skirt!


  36. cute outfit
    visit and follow my blog:)

  37. Congratulations to your friend...you did a pretty good job in styling her wedding dress...its simple and very appropriate for the event...

    love the photos dear!!!

    and as for you talent... I love the corset belt over the skirt...

    it makes you more feminine but you still gave out your edgy style...

    I would be disappointed as well if I am the last person to know about what is happening in my bestfriends life, but then again I will still support her. What are friends are for right?

    take care love

    I really enjoyed this post!!!


  38. i love your dress so much :D


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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