
Fashionable flats from Ichigo

2:04 PM

Since I started fashion blogging, I became fond of buying and wearing heels especially those sky-high yet comfy wedges. As I look at my shoe rack now, I feel sorry for having neglected my tiny collection of flats for most of the year. I also noticed how I shifted to wearing wedges or boots for work, school or errands and how I hardly purchase those trusty flats these past few months.

For this Christmas and coming year, I told myself that I would want to wear flats as much as I would put on a pair of heels, wedges, sneakers or boots. Good thing is, Ichigo has a large collection of flats to choose from. Aside from their all-time best sellers, Ichigo has recently released new designs that you will definitely love!

From all the online-established shoe brands, Ichigo is one of those stores with a wide variety of styles for flats and oxfords to choose from. Their shoe collection's range of look, from classic, feminine, androgynous, trendy, vintage and chic, will surely correspond to almost every type of girl.

Fashion and comfort all rolled into one.

Of course, I have my own favorites as well!

Can't wait to save up for these babies.

Ichigo isn't all about flats and oxfords. Check out their website and see more feet candies and stylish bags. Do you have little god-daughters? How about little sisters or little girls of your own? Then you may also look at their Tiny Ichigo line for children.

Whether it's Christmas or not, all-year round is a good time to buy your pair of Ichigo.

(C) Melai Entuna 2010

P.S. Remember the coral yellow flats that I got from Ms. Charlene Yap of Ichigo? One of these days, I'll show you my different versions of wearing it in a fashion challenge. So watch out for that.

Photos credits: all taken from Ichigo website
Post processing: Me

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  1. Ichigo is Love. I am drooling over all the oxfords and the white flats with gigantic black bows.

  2. I totally love their flats! I saw them at Greenhills kanina (while I was doing some last minute shopping) but I already ran out of cash. Haha!

  3. All I want for Christmas is Ichigo shoes!
    This post just makes me want it more. How I wish by 2011, I'll have a pair of any of their shoes! =))


  4. I have been loving Ichigo eversince =) I buy flats there!

    Love your picks too dear Melai!

  5. I have been wishing so so hard that they will open a branch in Cebu SOOOOOOON. :-/

  6. Love love love the one with the big bows :)

  7. oh how i wish we have ichigo here! their shoes looks amazing...and super stylish!

    anyhoo, i'm really sorry melai i was too late in posting your bazaar press kit...got so caught up with work and family stuff that i forgot you're displaying on the 10th...accept my apologies? *pout*

    ♥ join 2 awesome giveaways at vanilla ice cream ♥

  8. Oh my goodness. You just made me giddy with delight. Oxfords and flats are a staple in my wardrobe, and this site is amazing! Thanks! xo

  9. oohhh i want all those oxfords!!! love love love!! :D

  10. I'm not a girl who enjoys flat shoes, unless they're knee high boots, or I'm barefoot...

    but these shoes are GORGEOUS
    if only they found themselves underneath my christmas tree... hmmm.. :)

    much sweetness,
    hope to hear from you xx

  11. I love ichigo. All their products are so adorable! Followed this blog btw. I hopy you follow back. :)

  12. UGH! I WANT EVERYTHING!!! been trying to convert to flats too hehehe


  13. Well, I could really use some oxfords/brogues so I'm heading over there now.

  14. i love those white ones with black bows! so classic yet adorable!

  15. i want those leopard oxfordss !
    they look soooo cute :)

    glisters and blisters

  16. Oh nice!! I went to greenhills before, and I saw those shoes, lusting over the leopard print!! :)

  17. they're so gorgeous! and now Im thinking what I will choose and buy LOL
    wanna follow each other dear? if you dont mind:)


  18. super cute! loving the oxfords, my fave.

    xx raez

  19. Such a pretty collection of flats-- I especially love your picks. How is the quality? Are they made of natural or synthetic materials?

    Have a great weekend!

  20. Thanks for sharing, I love wearing different kinds of shoes and I really love flat shoes. But this holiday season I'm looking forward to have s0me charm bracelets.


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