
Accidents do happen

1:06 AM

Call me clumsy.

Almost had my right ring finger cut off from a measly house accident. I was merely positioning the electric fan in our living room; maybe I was a bit absent-minded, held on to the head of the fan to move it, when all of a sudden, I felt the blade hit my finger.

The doctor said the accident could have chopped my finger off - how dreadful and depressing. My finger was partly cut but it's still in one whole piece. My long nails somehow saved me from the probability of having my finger terribly damaged. Though I lost my nail (that was painful), the doctor said it will grow back in a few months time. How I wish it will, really. *fingers crossed*

While I was crying over my lost nail and bloody finger, I remembered Raissa Laurel - the girl who had both of her legs amputated because of a pillbox that exploded too close to her during the bar examinations street party. Despite her fate, she has remained positive and very cheerful. During her media interviews, no sign of depression was seen on her face - all smiles and her eyes beaming with hope. The kind of strength and spirit that she has are something that I could only wish to possess in my heart. So I told myself, "Accidents do happen, and even though I'd end up having this finger chopped, I should suck it up and still feel blessed because other people out there might be going through something tougher than this."

At first, I couldn't look at my finger so I didn't really know how much damage it had. When I found out that it's still in one piece with a deep cut and removed nail, I couldn't help but say out loud, "Thank you Lord!" I was in tears; not because of the pain but because of relief and gratefulness. Yesterday was one of those days when it really hit me hard; that I could lose whatever God has given me anytime - my finger, my hand, my legs, my sight, my life, either in a tragic, noble or stupid cause.

Now I'm teaching myself to be more alert and careful even in the simplest, everyday, regular things that I do as a person - cooking, commuting, washing, bathing, (as for me just moving a fan) etc. because life shouldn't be taken for granted. Not even in a minute!

Take it from me: be always thankful for your life, for everything you have (materially) and everything you are (physically, mentally etc.). You may have soooo many complaints about yourself and this life you're living but keep in mind that you are better off than those who are suffering, that you are always blessed no matter how difficult the endeavors God puts you through. Value everything about this world, everything about you, that God has lent. He could take it back anytime.

To my Kuya, whom I've never said my proper goodbye or sweetest goodnight the night he was taken away... I love you always and I don't want to leave this world so soon like what you did. So, I'm living life seriously but with a hint of fun and craziness and still be mindful and really extra careful in everything I do, in everywhere I go, in everyone I'm with.

To God, thanks for saving my finger, giving me a boyfriend who has always been a life-saver ever since and a mother whom I argue with a lot of times but at the same time whom I love so much (and who loves me greater than "so much"). The rest, I'll be saving in my prayers.

To everyone, stay safe always!!!

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  1. OMG, Melai. Kakatapos ko lang manood ng episode 3 ng Glee tapos nabasa ko 'to. Sarap basahin ng entry na 'to. :)

    Ingat ka na lalo ha? God bless! :)

  2. This is a very inspiring post Melai, hope your finger is doing fine now...and the pain will eventually subside...

    Yes, I really agree about being alert and the attention we need to keep ourselves sane...We should be onguard most of the time but sometimes we just do not know it...so earlier than now...we should let the people we love know how much they mean to us...

    But we are not bidding farewell...cheer up girl!!!! Life is full of surprises...you may have lost a nail...but we do not know what would you get back in the end? more surprises I suppose?


  3. ouch! that is really painful! got my nail removed too during a motor accident and the doctor had to inject anaesthesia to totally remove it.

    and yes, thank God that He only permitted to remove just a nail from your body. we all really have a lot to be thankful for.
    stay safe!

    p.s. my mail took three months to grow again.


  4. oh dear. D: but i'm glad to hear that your finger's ok! thank God, indeed!

    take care of yourself, Melai!

    boat ride through the sky

  5. I'm glad you're alright! That was very scary :( And thanks also for sharing this inspiring post. I'm glad to hear that Raissa Laurel is doing great.


  6. EWWW !
    thank god you still have you finger :)


  7. You're a brave girl. Kung puwede lang sana iyang accident maging excuse not to take notes in class! :p but hope it heals pretty quick.

    I love the mickey ears. Did you make them? :)

  8. omg, melai :(( that really must have hurt! That happened to my son too when he was still 1 year old. My grandparents didn't see that he touched the fan while he was on his hair chair. Luckily it also didn't chop of his finger. I hope your finger cures fast! *hugs*

  9. Oh no! Sorry to hear about your finger. :( But I'm glad to know that it's saved. I hope you're doing well now.

    Raissa is actually a friend of mine (we're not close at all but we belong to the same orgs so we occasionally see each other and she's a really bubbly person, ALWAYS smiling and saying hi) so when I found out about the news, I raged and told myself that she doesn't deserve any of this and that the happening was completely reckless. Her bravery and outlook made me cry more. I've never met anyone like her and if ever I was in her place, I would bore so much hate. God must have really big plans for her.

  10. omg melai!!! i'm so sorry to hear what happened....the nail will grow back eventually though so don't worry..i'm clumsy too and have learned to watch what i do na talaga...hehe.

    take good care of yourself k? mwah!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  11. Nice and interesting one. I like it. I am impressed. Keep it up.

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  12. Thank you for this. So timely. This is just what I need right now. :) Hope you're okay by now, btw. :)


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