
Blogger's Event: Great Fashion Finds at Robinson’s Midtown

11:21 PM

August 15 marked my very first attendance to a blogger’s event. Though I despise being a delinquent blogger especially on something like this, I couldn’t help but wait because the camera’s memory card was misplaced and I really wanted to use my own pictures in this entry.

However, I must notify you that the following photos you are about to see were mostly borrowed from Aisa’s blog. She was the one who got me going in the first place and I couldn’t think of anyone else better to be with! We really get along well and our personalities just jive together. It's just so sad because I feel like I sort of disappointed her because she was really excited for the photos, only to find out that I lost them (*sad face*).

It was such an honor to be one of the few participants of The Search for the Great Fashion Finds at Robinson’s Midtown. If you are the type who loves to shop, or in my case window shop (haha), then there’s no doubt that like us, you’d also enjoy a day of checking out participating stores and choosing out those worthy buys to share to our dear readers.

Some of the shops that Aisa and I visited were Topshop, Topman, Dorothy Perkins, Accessorize, Robinsons Department Store and Dumond. We were given about four hours to shop but time flew so fast and our exhausted feet couldn’t keep up with all the stores to choose from and so we weren’t able to drop in on everything.

It was such delight to meet the intimate crowd of established bloggers. I had the chance to mingle with Ana, Raleene, Bestie (and her boyfriend), Lauren, Liz, Kira, Tin and Sasha among others.

It was easy to narrate how the day went. Assembly time was 11:00 in the morning and we all had lunch at KKK (3rd floor). After that, we immediately proceeded to shopping and by 4:00 PM, we headed back and participated in a mini photo contest. Each pair submitted one entry containing the photo of their greatest fashion find/s and uploaded it in Robinsons Malls Facebook page using the available wifi at Midtown (cool right?). BTW, the wifi connection is available for everyone (yey)!

Well for the rest of the time in between was spent on bonding and chatting! Sooo much fun!

Obligatory photo opts with bloggers!

Thanks Robinsons Midtown for the experience! Got new blogging friends and goodies! Thanks again!

Want something great too?!

Join Lloyda's Ichigo Shoes Giveaway! You wouldn't want to miss that!

PHOTO CREDITS: Tin and Aisa (via facebook) ^__^

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  1. Yey new entry! been waiting for a new one! and thanks for the good news, ms. melai! the ichigo contest i think is the first blog contest i'm joining hehe. I hope we win!:D

    With the blogger event, I sooo envy you and ms. ana gonzales! it looks sooo fun! I wish I could experience something like that :) I love your outfit! So edgy. you girls are gorgeous :)

  2. awesome post! sounds like it was a great day :)


  3. Hello Mel!!!!!!. Thank you so much for the comment. I'm going to post the "How to do it" process this week. ;)

    I love the people there in Manila. as in ibang level na ang 'fashion'. ;)))

    Fashion Toy Gun

  4. yehey! :) told pax hindi pa nag bblog si melai nun rob a, sabi niya nawala nga daw mem card mo awww =( thanks for last sunday though! :) super saya with you guys!! :) hope to see you uli melai! ;) And stay stylish and the sweetest! <3

  5. looks like u guys had some real fun there !!
    i love all of ur outfits !

    take care and have a good weekend !

  6. great shots !
    looks like you have a great deal of fun !
    love all of ur outfits !

    take care and have a good weekend !

  7. u look like have lotsa fun during the met up!
    wanna have something like this in here too! :(
    and u guys look so fantastic.


  8. Hey Melai I already saw these beautiful photo of yours. It seems that you had a great time with your friends...

    and you look stunning too!!!!

    oh by the way there is something big in my blog hope you can help out and spread the wins...also join in to the FUN!!!

    take care love


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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