
"Blah-ging" For The Sake of Blogging

11:00 AM

Sometimes I wonder, "How many times should I say 'sorry' for blogging late or not blogging at all?" After much thought, I realized, it's not right to feel the need to apologize if the only reason of doing so is because I hardly update my blog.

Before any judgment on how inconsiderate it is of me to not think about the people who patronize Style and Soul, allow me to clarify what I really mean before I get misinterpreted - again. As much as possible, I try to avoid calling my followers,  my followers because I hate treating them as fans. Read back on my previous entries and I'm sure you'll notice that I like using the term readers because I actually believe that my genuine supporters certainly take time out of their busy schedules to read what I've written and not just browse or look at photos.

Click "Read More" for the rest of this entry and outfit details.

Even though I may not be as expressive as I should be, truth is, I really love my readers. Whenever I receive thoughtful comments when I open my laptop once I arrive home from a labor-intensive or stressful project, it puts a smile on my face and pulls my emotional strings (cheesy but sooo true, haha). It feels touching and it makes me more inspired to keep on writing entries where I'm able to share ideas, insights and feelings that may influence beliefs, something they can ponder on, or just anything useful that they can take with them as they live their lives in the real world.

Because my readers mean much to me, I also value their time spent on this blog. Although a few commitments push me to flush out certain posts, generally, I'm not the type of blogger who updates regularly or for more, blog for the sake of blogging. My blogging philosophy tells me to only blog when I really have something to say and not because I want to say something. You get the difference?

Times have changed and certain experiences in my life have helped me get over my past ambitions to earn from blogging, or become an it blogger or aim for high statistics and page visits; which by the way, only caused me feelings of emptiness and personal discontent. I now blog for myself: when I feel like doing so, when I have free time on my hands or when I have thoughts I'd like to express (like what I'm doing now and I've been really happy with that decision). However, even though I blog to satisfy my own soul, I also keep in mind to write something substantial because I respect my readers' time and intellect.

Others probably dislike reading lengthy posts but I'd like to think that by writing a sensible content, you care enough to feed your readers' mind. Why don't you try reversing roles? On my part, as a reader who's busy with a few several projects and so little spare time to surf the net, I prefer to read or see something informative and beneficial / inspiring / entertainingly witty and clever or visually perceptive (as in the case of visual arts like photos, videos, illustrations etc.).

The sun was too harsh I could hardly open my eyes, hah!

Because I have a good grasp of what I'd like to consume online, at the same time, I decided that those are the very same qualities that I would struggle to embed in my entries as I take the blogger's seat. It's also the same reason why I read Yoshke, Jessica, LourdLauren, Dominique and Elisa (plus a handful of other awesome bloggers) over everyone else. I'm NOT saying that blogs are only valid when you "write" several paragraphs. For all you know, some long articles could mean nothing in its entirety anyway. The mere advocacy here is to publish with quality, significance and relevance. Writing just one paragraph doesn't mean it can't be thought-provoking. That is possible so you can save yourself from all the words if you can simplify it in a few sentences. If you're just posting a photo, then make sure it's a picture that will indeed speak for itself a thousand of [sensible] words (sample: local photo blogger Joseph).

If your goal in blogging is just so you can keep up with others or make sure you're never out of sight, out of mind and to get even more following that what you already have, then the tendency is for you to keep on hitting that publish button with hellos, empty narratives, a few press materials and pretty much nothing else but blahs.

I know, I know. In reality, our everyday conversations are sometimes super random and gibberish - from the most superficial cravings, gossips and trivial themes. Who doesn't like a light and casual chat? No one. But when you think about it, the most fun and/or fulfilling conversations - the ones that will truly stick out, are those where you learn new things or where you're able to share what's in your heart.

My point is simple. When I say, blog with substance, it doesn't necessarily equate to overly complex and serious philosophical concepts, fancy words or profundity. The problem with blah-ging is, when you put it in a basic metaphor, is like feeding a person [your reader] with sweets, junk and other treats without any nutritional value, thus making the person either unhealthy or sick. Meanwhile, well-thought entries are similar to food items that are rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish the body. It's mere elementary science.

Blazer, Thrifted | Silver plate choker & spiked bracelet, F-STOP | Spike necklace, Anagon

When all you can think about is how many posts you need to publish rather than contemplating on the content of those entries, then your readers probably mean nothing much to you. This is me, assuming that your main concern is to please and post about you - a personification of vainglory. It doesn't really matter if you're able to impart anything essential through your posts just as long as you have an update.

I get all of that. That's just your thing and I'm not saying it's bad or wrong. At the end of the day, I have all the respect for fellow bloggers (who have different various personalities, backgrounds, etc.) the way I want my personal opinions and unsolicited advice (no matter how little they may mean to you) to be respected and be open mindedly received (since I also have my own way of thinking as you can see).

Going back to what I said in the opening of my post, you read it right: NO, I'm not apologizing for hardly updating my blog. Personally, I don't feel like I'm a "bad blogger" as other bloggers feel about themselves whenever they think they fail to meet their followers' expectations by blogging sporadically. Me? I try to take my time and I refrain from rushing my entries because my readers deserve more than just a blahg entry.

Plus, I trust that my genuine and regular readers fully understand that one's virtual life needs to take a pause when more important things happen to the real one. Readers should be given more credit because they're smart enough to know and not that petty to easily tune out.

Though I refuse to be sorry for overdue backlogs and long gaps in between posts, I will always be grateful to those who continue to stick around despite the irregularity of my entries. Thank you loves! (30)

Speaking of backlogs, the outfit you're seeing in this post was the one I wore last Super Sale Bazaar. This is the first time you're seeing my "new" hair cut (which was not so new anyway since I got it a month ago, haha) on my blog.

Top and shorts F-STOP | Shoes c/o Asian Vogue

As for the outfit, I did my usual thing - wearing something feminine with edgy elements to it. Since I'm sporting a bright polka chiffon top, I veered away from looking too girly by keeping everything else monochromatic. I put on a striped black and white blazer for an instant print-on-print pairing, some simple gray shorts and finally completed my look with an all-silver set of accessories. I also thought it would be the perfect time to sashay these 7th High wedges Asian Vogue gave me for an extra pop of color.

I hate showing my wrinkly hands but of course, I've got to flaunt my cute nails!  ^_^

BTW, when this photo was taken, I recently had my nails done courtesy of Nail It! Abada (located in Katipunan) and my matching polka pastel nails and polka button-down top was purely coincidental.


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  1. I don't actually mind you not posting all the time like before kasi every time you post, you always have something intelligent to say. I don't comment all the time pero I really love reading your lengthy posts. :)

    1. Hi Nettie! Thanks :) Not a lot of readers tune in especially if the blogger hardly updates. I love it! Thank you so much :)I'm not sure how many are you out there who appreciate my entries but no matter how many you are, I'm just glad you love reading my posts! :) Salamat, salamat, salamat! :)

  2. Another great post Melai :) Just continue writing for yourself. You're doing great :)

    1. Thank you so much Roma! :) You're always there supporting every post. Salamat girl!

  3. I think you know by now that I really read through your posts. Lagi kong sinasabi na ang galing mo magsulat :) It's great that you are staying true to who you are. Iba-iba talaga ang bloggers; kanya-kanyang style talaga. There are some who are not very "talkative" sa posts, pero that might just really be their personality. Personally, I have a mixed reading list of bloggers who are talkative and not-so-talkative :p

    ♥ Megann of Style Surgery

    1. I get what you're saying and that's what I respect about everyone. I respect how everyone's styles, personalities, backgrounds and/or point of views are different the way I think I am different from other's opinions or perceptions.

      This is why I tried to clarify in this post that "writing with substance" doesn't mean writing long entries, or introducing complex ideas, fancy words, philosophical concepts or profound statements. That's not the measure of it.

      I even go further to say that it's okay to post just photos as long as I hope these photos indeed speak a thousand words like what the a popular saying says. :) So I'm not concerned about the "length" really, just the "quality" and "content" of the material. :)

  4. This is very true!! Great post again =)

    Join my Shoe Giveaway - Asian Vogue Shop X The Living Closet

  5. I also love reading your lengthy and thought-provoking posts. Right now though, I think I am both a "blogger" and a blahgger. I got over the dreams of being an It blogger and concentrated on being true to myself (if people like what I post, so be it. If they don't, gorabells din) although sometimes I find myself posting random shiznits just to be able to blog. Thanks for this post. I need to be more conscious of my blahg posts =)

    1. Hi Farrah! I don't really mean to write long, haha. If it's possible to write things short, I'd do that. It's just that I feel like I need to explain MORE because I learned my lesson. By that I mean, there are just SOOO many times that people misinterpret what I say maybe because I'm not so good at saying things because I can be tactless and really frank (I'm trying to change by the way), haha.

      That's why I try to elaborate and explain the way I see or think about things so people would better understand the message I'm trying to get across. For this post, I don't intend to criticize or insult any blogger out there. They have all the freedom to blog the way they want.

      What or who I care/think about are the readers, haha. I'm merely advocating to publish with substance so readers get more out of your blog.

      We all have our blahgger moments. Gaya nga ng nasabi ko, in real life, people talk about petty things and random meaningless things everyday. Ako minsan kung ano-ano lang din pinagsasabi or kinukwento ko sa friends ko. Pero yun nga, gaya ng nasabi ko sa post ko, the ones we won't forget or talagang tatak sa 'tin are conversations where we learn or realize new things or the ones where we get emotionally attached diba. :)

      AYAN! Ang haba na naman ng sinabi ko! Haha char! :) Thanks for this comment. Let's all be more conscious of what we blog or blahg! Hehe :)

  6. Hi Ms. Melai! I saw you at the bazaar but I'm too shy to ask picture of ours. :(

    1. Bat ka nahiya?! Kasi I look snobbish in person diba?! Hindi kasi ako charming or smiling face eh. Haha. Mukha lang yun teh! Lapit ka lang next time I don't bite!!! :)

  7. You really are Melai of Style and SOUL, and that's what I admire about you. Your posts have substance. :)

    1. Aaaaw Mars! Thank you! :) I like your name Mars kasi parang when I say it feeling ko close agad agad sayo "Mars!" diba. Haha. But really, thank you. I really try to inject "something" (di ko maexplain) in my posts para pag nabasa ng iba, mapapa-isip sila, ganyan. Char! Hehe. :) Thaaaaanks!

  8. This makes so much sense. Thanks, Melai! :)

    1. Aj! Thanks! Yes I like making sense. Does that make sense? Haha. Char lang! Thank youuuuu :)

  9. Hi Melai, sorry, I really meant to comment about blahging and stuff and that I appreciate you effort in blogging with substance :D But nadistract talaga ako. you know me and hair color. may i just say/ask, is your hair color intentional? or are you just showing roots? it looks so cute! my hair tend to grow fast so my roots show too soon, and because i tend to braid my hair, it's not always nice. but you, with your roots a-showing, looks stylized! daya! :D

  10. Your such a good example Miss Melai!

  11. You are a true blogger. I love all your posts because it makes sense. Every post has a meaning and all are based on fact. No worries my dear, your absence makes your readers crave for more because your posts are one of a kind. =)

    PS: I am guilty of blah-ging at all times. Lol

    Much love,



I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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