
See You at the Bargain Hunt Bazaar!

12:06 PM

I've mentioned this a few days ago on my facebook page and now, I'm reminding you once again to please drop by my blogger booth at the Bargain Hunt Bazaar this July 27 (Friday) to July 29 (Sunday) at New Megatent in Libis! Bagain Hunt is said to be the "newest and biggest bazaar of the North" with "over 170 brands" ranging from apparels, footwear and cosmetics that will definitely satisfy all your fashion cravings.

Hunt for the most affordable and stylish pieces from its several concessionaires and get a chance to win awesome and fabulous prizes! By simply looking your most glamorous, expect to be spotted with a surprise gift as well. Exciting right?

So don't miss guys! My booth at the Super Sale Bazaar was such a hit and I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who shopped because I sold a lot of stuff, I'm telling you! I hope this doesn't disappoint and through your help and attendance, I know this one will be the same success. I'm selling together with other bloggers so for sure, you can expect a lot of other stylish items that will definitely suit your budget. 

Mark the date: July 27 - 29 at New Megatent in Libis along E. Rodriguez Jr. (C-5). Here's a map so you can locate the place.

For more info and updates visit their website or follow them on twitter! Plus, like Bargain Hunt  on  Facebook and see how you can win a shopping spree! 

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  1. I'm going to ask my mom and aunt to come with me on this bazaar! Maybe this time I'll be able to see you! Still haven't thanked you personally for the SuperSale Bazaar passes. My mom and I splurged our hearts out on the last day. Hahaha! More power to you blog! xx


    1. Renee! Yes please feel free to go. Invite your friends too! I'll be there on Friday and a few hours on Sunday. On Saturday kasi I have a shoot. I'm sooo glad you enjoyed the super sale bazaar! Thank you so much dear!


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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