
Spend more... on shoes!

12:56 AM

If you're a regular reader of my blog, then you probably know by now how frugal I am. I'm a certified Ms. Kuripot to the highest level. But like you, I know how much shopping can make us girls happy or even make our day or relieve our stresses. And if we can spare a couple of pesos for pretty finds, why not right?

And since we can't seem to have enough shoes, I'm introducing you to a new shoe store in the web. One of the bloggers that I really admire, Ate Denise of Denise Katipunera owns a massive collection of lovely shoes, most of them from the US. Because she gets a lot of inquiries about them, she decided to bring them here in the Philippines and sell them for affordable prices - all brand new and on hand from Shoe Etiquette.

You know I sell shoes too, but these are all from Korea. Some products from US can be a little pricey than those outsourced from Asia but you can definitely count more on the quality as well. She has two lovely designs released for the opening, Dahlia and Sandie and I hope you buy both. Haha. But if I have to pick just one, Dahlia had me at black, biased I know, hihi.

I remember when I first opened F-STOP, I got a bit depressed because there weren't a lot of customers and I didn't know anyone in the blogging world who can help me spread the word. My immediate friends and family were my first clients. But now that blogging has been very helpful in promoting businesses, it is my pleasure to help promote fellow online entrepreneurs. I know it wouldn't be a waste of your time visiting Shoe Etiquette here. And if you're broke or in a shopping ban, it's worth the lift and worth the savings.

Look who's rocking Shoe Etiquette shoes? It's Lauren of I am Bourgeois!

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  1. These shoes are totally awesome! They're just as comfy and gorgeous in person. I'm happy that F-Stop has grown a lot too. :D


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