
Where To Treasure Shop These Days

11:51 AM

Yesterday was payday (for a lot of you)! Are you thinking of doing some shopping? Before you hit the malls or your preferred online stores, why don’t you drop by F-STOP first (simply drag your mouse pointer and click click at that hyperlink)! Check our latest Shop Vintage collection which was uploaded yesterday.

As always, our Shop Vintage collection is comprised of specially-curated and one-piece-per-item-only thrift and pre-loved treasures for YOU – my fellow budget fashionista!  Everything is in good, wearable condition and reasonably priced so that a lot of mid-income earners and trend-savvy students who depend on their allowance savings, can afford to “splurge” without actually spending too much.

Came to the studio in this aztec printed bodycon dress but the fur cardigan is something you may buy at F-STOP!

This is really my goal in keeping  F-STOP up and running. When I started getting more interested in dressing up, it has been difficult for me to SAVE a lot of my hard-earned money because like any other normal girl, I do like to shop. Thank God for ukay (thrift store)! I’m able to maintain a “stylish” lifestyle on an incredibly tight shopping limit. This is what I want you, the busy (no time to go thrift shopping) but stylish recessionista to experience. 

Of course, I’m not selling the products for its ukay prices because you also have to consider the effort, investment and profit. However, I always put myself in the shoes of the shopper and make sure that my pricing is fair enough. Exceptional pieces like printed or colourful blazers, fur vests and leather jackets are sold for P900 and below (I never sell any product for over a thousand unless it’s brand new), chic dresses, tops and bottoms are priced for way less than P500 and basic yet equally trendy items are around P150 – P350 only.

In this time and economy, imagine what items you can actually buy with those prices. 

Even though I’ve been incredibly busy these past few months, my “attempt” at time management has allowed me to squeeze in a few hours for some thrift treasure hunting. Here, below are some of the items you’ll find in F-STOP store this month.

View the whole collection here

My F-STOP August Collection Back Story
I’ll grab this opportunity to thank my cousin Nate and childhood best friend (BFFs since 5 years old) for helping me produce this collection. Micah has been my all around go-to girl; she shops for shop vintage items when I’m too busy to do it (she knows my taste very well), looks after my booth when I don’t have time to personally be around during bazaars and agrees to be my model when no one else is available. She’s such a blessing!

My ultimate best friend, introducing, Micah!

These two people were the ones I was able to depend on for this month’s collection shoot. Due to the recent flooding disaster that happened last week in the Metro, I cancelled the scheduled shoot and thought of moving the August 15 launch. But given the schedule that I've already planned in advance and the projects I've already committed myself to, I knew moving means that it would probably take me a while to post new products again. Not to mention, I also hate the fact that I already announced and promoted in advance only to find myself unable to deliver. 

Last Thursday night, I was so frustrated thinking when to schedule the next product shoot, so I impulsively decided to shoot the next day even though my boyfriend (who takes the photos), models and preferred photo studio aren’t available anymore.  To my luck, I was able to pull off an impromptu one on a Friday and crammed a few hours of photo editing on a Saturday (because I can’t on Sunday to Tuesday due to work schedules) in order to meet my August 15 target date of upload (yes I do almost everything myself for F-STOP). 

Yehey!!! *lots and lots and lots of confetti*

My photographer and cousin Nate who just lives in Katipunan. Buti nalang ang lapit sa UP! :)

I have a whole-day taping on Tuesday so I conveniently uploaded the photos on draft in my Multiply site (I hope soon, the Multiply folks come up with a feature that allows you to schedule posts). When I woke up the next day, I hurriedly published the collection then continued on with my tasks for a Cinema One entry indie film that I've been working on. Gaahd! You see, if you’re a schedule-conscious planner like me, then you know how great it feels to meet a deadline – a personally-imposed one for more “self” pressure, haha.

I'm sharing you my back story because I want you to know that anyone can pretty much multi-task no matter how busy life gets. Despite the pile of freelance work I’ve got on my hands, I keep an online store for fun and for some extra moolah. If you want to venture into micro online entrepreneurship, go lang! Push niyo yan mga teh!

One of my favorite pieces in the collection! :)

I hope you drop by F-STOP friends, readers and visitors! It’s a product of a whole lot of love and personal effort! By the way, brand new items will be up on the site soon and the products will also be at the ETC Fashion Flea Market on August 25 - 26! See you there!

P.S. Thank you to all the bloggers and my friends who expressed their support regarding my previous blog entry.


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  1. Great photos melai! Kahit nabago ang initial plans..they turned out great. Ill see you at the ETC event! :)

  2. I love your dress and that's nice pictures!


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