
Penshoppe Luncheon

8:37 AM

Penshoppe had a mini press conference over lunch as part of their summer collection promo last Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at Tosca restaurant, 2nd floor Dusit Hotel in Makati City. Two of their endorsers, Akihiro Sato and Bea Soriano were present together with the whole Penshoppe team.

With Aisa and events organizer/photographer/PR Mr. Azrael Coladilla.

The whole affair was intimate and simple. After a delectable lunch, Aki and Bea faced a number of press people together with Penshoppe's brand manager Mr. Alex Mendoza. Any question about the brand and its latest collection was answered by Sir Alex while Aki and Bea handled everything related to showbiz.

Bea Soriano and Akihiro Sato

I also came up with a question of my own for the brand endorsers. I wanted to know which particular piece in the collection best represents who they are and why. Aki, who has been with the brand since 2006, responded by saying that he really liked the simple and crisp collared shirts, button-up polos and all the blazers because he wanted to look clean and refined all the time. On the other hand, Bea said the maxi dresses reflect her carefree personality and effortless style.

According to Sir Alex, Penshoppe has chosen Aki and Bea because both of them are stylish and yet far from intimidating and still very approachable. These traits best embody the brand's communication goals.

True enough, Aki's really nice and humble in person.

Speaking of goals, the brand has truly accomplished their target to raise the bar of their standards on a higher level. From laid back and casual apparels, to graphic tees, Penshoppe has made an effort to give a more sophisticated feel in their clothes. Sir Alex further stressed that Penshoppe is now giving the consumers a bigger dosage of fashion at very affordable prices because the Filipino deserved better.

I made a quick review of Penshoppe's summer collection. You may read it here.

On the side, Ana made a comment that the brand seems like the Philippine version of Cotton On. Why not? Pwede! After the quick luncheon and Q&A, Penshoppe gave away GCs, freebies and 2 lucky persons get to win a GE Jason Woo digital camera. Guess who's one of the luckiest?! Your guess is as good as mine *wide grin*.

Out of all honesty, what I like best about being invited to events is meeting new people and bonding with old ones. It's good exposure too, and it's the best way to know more about a certain brand. I don't really care of the material things I would get out of it, haha. With my dwindling social life, I'm just so happy that I got to see my blogger friends again. It was great meeting Reg of Hey Rocket Girl and Mr. Azrael Coladilla, the events organizer and PR man who invited us (thank you!).

Cute bunch: (L-R) Ava, me, Honey, Vern, Ana, Aisa, Sir Azrael

Thank you for a fun lunch and great company Penshoppe! Looking forward to your wedges collection!

Red blazer Thrifted | Neon see-through tank top Greenhills | Jeggings Bazaar | Brown bow flats


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  1. Congrats! I love the red blazer that you're wearing :) Aki looks so cute too!

  2. what? if you think your social life is dwindling even with all the events you attend, what more my life?LOL. seriously, i need to get out more...i used to always stay out with friends and party but i've grown tired of that scene..and going out these days usually cost money.. can i get invited to events too?

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  3. we all look so happy!!:) hehe congrats again on winning the cam!!

  4. Gosh, Akihiro Sato is so hot! :D

  5. Ugh! Grabeh! Bea Soriano looks so beautiful!!!! <3


  6. Congrats on winning the cam! :D haha
    I wish i get invited to events more often, I have before, but I never really had time to attend haha. boo. Id love to meet new peeps like you too! :D

  7. you lucky gal...of course material things isn't everything but it's always nice when you're lucky enough to be gifted with them ;)

    eclectic du jour

  8. melai congrats! I love the red blazer!


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