
SHOP UPDATE: 28th Collection

11:02 PM

Hi guys! I have new stocks in my online shop, F-STOP and my auction (see new album here) will end tomorrow, Tuesday (November 9, 2010) at 9 PM. Drop by and do some early Christmas shopping if you find anything you like! I have a lot of feminine and chic items up for grabs so don't miss it!

I know you guys are used to seeing my shop photos usually taken outside/on a natural setting. Unfortunately, for the past week, every time we try to schedule a shooting date, the clouds were dark and the rain fell every so often. We had a hard time waiting for the sun to shine since we all know how moody Philippine weather is. So I tried to maximize the small corner of our green-walled living room. We had to move all the furniture to snap the photos.

Note: my parents disagree with my shop remember?? So we had to get the shots as quickly as possible while they were still at work! So I hope the photos still satisfy you and I hope you'll come across something that you'd want to buy. Hihi. Ciao my lovely bellas!

Timeless and classic polka polo/soft blazer with pearl buttons (Price: 280)

Pin-up inspired body-fit dress/long top with heart-printed lace bow and back details (PRICE: 330)

1) Barbie pink striped cropped twisted topper, 2) High-waisted sky blue shorts (PRICES: 1. P250, 2. 280)

Dainty mint green lace top (PRICE: 320)

Tie-dye washed shirt-dress with oversized, deep pockets (PRICE: 320)

Nice set? More to see in the whole album!
Come, visit and order only in F-STOP | Fashion Stop!

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  1. wow lovely pieces! will check it out :) i love the second dress!

    Missy S The Thrifty wishful-Fashionista

  2. new stuff! yey!!! :) envious of you ukay ladies!

  3. ohh the first shorts are super cute and original! love the shirt too as well as the skirt in the second to last pic :D

    take a look at my blog too if you'd like?


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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