
So little time

12:35 AM

I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that having 24 hours is still not enough to accomplish a set of to-do lists for the day. In my head, I have thousands of tasks that I wish to fulfill but looking at how my day went, I've only done a few of what I had in mind.

I've got soooo many things to blog about, seriously.
1) A stack of outfit shots
2) My fashion week coverage photos
3) Anagon X 12 Baskets tea party event
4) How I spent my Halloween
5) Shop updates (especially now that I'm joining the Brown Bag Market Bazaar)
6) My enrollment and start of school experience
7) Pending articles to write about (one of them is about Everyday Passionate People for Tabitha)
8) My fashion inspirations
9) My shooting experiences

Gaaaahd sooo many!

Some of the things I need to do:
1) Go back to studying mode
2) Shoot photos for the shop (rain, rain go away!)
3) Brown Bag Market Bazaar preparation
4) Apply for another part-time job
5) Work on my online portfolio
7) Join my dream photography contest! (brain, brain, work on a concept)

Gosh! Naloloka na ako!! Hihihi. :) I miss everyone! I'm trying so hard to catch up with everyone's posts!

I had a haircut by the way but I couldn't post photos first without finishing all the entries which include my longer hair. Haha.

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  1. love your outfit here, melai! i miss your long hair, but loving your short hair as well! good luck with the list!

  2. aww you look so gorgeous :) good luck with everything and keep blogging!

    hearts, Icha

  3. i like your cardigan - its so versatile! good luck with the list :)


  4. i love the outfit! and the shoes = they are perfect!♥

  5. hey u cut your hair also! :p
    btw, I love the long cardigan.. :)

  6. aww the cardigan is LOVE...the way you dressed it up and making it as a cardigan too...so amazing!!!



I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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