
I would love to meet you at the Brown Bag Market!

12:55 AM

The first time has come.

First of all, I would like to say how much I deeply miss the blogging world! I really, really miss all of you and your blogs (which I haven't visited yet, T-T). Lately, I haven't been consistent in writing my entries because I'm not like other bloggers who can multi-task very well. I decided to take a break and do other things first.

You all know that my online shop, F-STOP (Fashion Stop) is participating in my first-ever bazaar of some sort. But more than being busy with the preparations, I've spent most of my time working part-time just so I could raise the money as capital for this endeavor (I lost my wallet with a lot of money in it last Fashion Week) and to save up because I've been thinking about moving out the house to try my hand at being independent. Lately, I've been doing a lot of thinking, a lot of reflecting and I'm still in the process.

If there's a phase that I'm in right now, I think my biggest quandary is being lost. I'm not sure of what I'll do with my life and lately I've lost all my passion for the things I want to do. I've been so uninspired, lacking the drive to actually do anything significant. I want to be on the right track and I've been praying really hard to ask the Lord to help me get back on my feet.

Anyway, the Brown Bag Market opens tomorrow!!!

I'm half excited, half anxious. I'm not sure if people will like my collection, if I'll sell anything at all or if I'll earn something for this - effect of the first time jitter I guess. Despite all this over thinking, I can't wait to meet all the people, all my clients, and all the bloggers and shop owners who will be at the event. So if you are from Metro Manila, please, please do drop by the Brown Bag Market at The Collective, 7274 Malugay St. Makati City from 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM tomorrow (Saturday), November 20, 2010!

What is the Brown Bag Market (BBM)?
It is a flea market that aims to provide a platform for social entrepreneurs to showcase their products. BBM believes that great things come in eco-friendly packages. A lot of events will happen within the day: Beauty Forum, Photography, Video Editing and Indie Filmmaking workshop.

Why go to the Brown Bag Market?
It is one of the greatest pre-holiday shopping spree go-to's! A lot of your favorite online shops will be participating like F-STOP (Fashion Stop), Archive Clothing, Anagon Collection, Simone's Closet and a whole lot more!

Where and how to go there?
It is located at 7274 Malugay St., Makati City! No matter where you are in Metro Manila, you can get clear cut directions via Commuting in the Philippines 101. CLICK HERE for directions.

I call it a Thanksgiving Collection which will be comprised of skirts, dresses, tops and blazers! Expect a colorful palette of floral prints, polka dots, abstract patterns, laces and a whole lot more! I'll be selling a few accessories as well - unique keyboard and statement rings. I love almost everything in this collection!

Some special items:
1) Alexander Mcqueen inspired dress that I scored from ukay.
2) Black fully sequined skirt
3) Floral blazers
4) Peach blazer, Polka dot blazer (see posters)
5) Red preppy blazer
6) Nude lace dress


What else to expect from F-STOP | Fashion Stop?
Discounts and freebies! I'm giving away a shoe organizer rack, a lace vest and a bunch of accessories for your purchase!

How to get discounts?
Simple! Just present your F-STOP tags/cards for a 10% off discount!

I hope you guys will support to make this collection a success! Thanks! See you there!

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  1. Planning to check the bazaar out! See you! :)

  2. gooodluck with the event! :) assk his guidance.surely, you;ll never go wrong! God bless you melai..

    Taradiddles of Style on a Budget

  3. I'm sure you'll do great at the bazaar! Don't worry about it.

    And re: the lost feeling...Perhaps you need a holiday/vacation? :) Come to Cebu!

  4. @ Everyone: Thanks for all the shop support!! I was overwhelmed with everything!


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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