I changed my blog URL

2:54 AM

Hello to my readers (to the very few you, hehe)! I decided to alter my blog URL because a friend told me that it would be easier for her to look it up in search engines; and so will other people too!

I apologize if I keep on changing URLs for it might create some kind of confusion for others but for those people who placed my site on their blogroll, I hope it's not too much to ask you to change it to this.

I promise this will be it! Thank youuu!

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  1. glad to discover your site, melai! i actually really like your items on display here, and yeah, glad to discover another fab filipina hair! plus, props to the hair:) drop by my site sometime:)

    p.s. hope you pop in and check out my giveaway!

    join my summer giveaway here

  2. styleandsoul is a good choice! catchy and edgy. and i'm lovin' the pink snakeskin blazer you're wearing dear :)

    i've added you to my blogroll btw. hope you can drop by my site! ^___^

    -Lee [ spunkandglam.blogspot.com ]


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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