
Things to look forward to

11:26 AM

Top Thrifted | Skirt F-STOP | Shoes Manels | Necklace Bazaar
Hi! I'd like to drop by before I hit the roads to do crazy errands today. Obviously, this outfit post is from one of my archives. I was supposed to blog this to showcase these awesome buckled wedges from Manels and at the same time, to finally share to you guys my room (well at least a part of it)! I wasn't able to blog about it right away but now is the time to do so!

Debut of my wall's green room and my cork board (says: Dream Big!), hats and necklaces

Now you know why I love shooting outdoors. My room is too small to decently set up a tripod and I just like my outfit shots outside better. Haha. So before I leave, I have a few things to share to you guys:

Buckled wedges courtesy of MANELS. Thanks!
Twiggy ripped top, Tassel necklace

1. F-STOP Updates, Port 88 Bazaar & Blogapalooza
You see, as I type this, I'm in the process of packing some shoes for the store. I'll be shipping them tomorrow and I'll be in the Port 88 Bazaar then (until Sunday) so I need to hustle and be done with these today. I also just finished uploading new designs online so check out F-STOP (Fashion Stop) for our new shoes in the SHOP ASIAN section.

F-STOP asian fashion shoes: packed and ready to ship!
Aside from new arrivals in the SHOP ASIAN section, I also have a new collection coming up for the SHOP VINTAGE segment of the store. If you go to the Port 88 Bazaar tomorrow, you'll definitely get the first dibs before I finally upload them. And what makes our booth special? I'm sharing it with blogger friends Aisa, Ana and Aie! I'm sure it will be so much fun!

The thing that I'm most excited about the store is that I'm finally opening a reselling program! A lot of people have asked if they can resell my SHOP ASIAN shoes and this time, I'm saying YES! It will take a couple of weeks though because I'm in the process of creating a separate website that is private and exclusive for F-STOP resellers.

For the first time, F-STOP will also sponsor and collaborate with a top blogger! I can't wait for her shoes to arrive so she can finally blog about them. Clue? She's a blonde young entrepreneur who also has her own fashion line that exists in most bloggers' closets!

Aisa, Ana and I will leave our booths for a few hours tomorrow because we're dropping by Blogapalooza! Thanks Sir Azrael and Vince for organizing this. I'm so excited to meet fellow bloggers and brand representatives. I wonder what surprises await us? *kilig much*

2. ETC's Match Airing Comeback!
During my idle hours, I watch a couple of TV series like Drop Dead Diva, True Blood, Pretty Little Liars, Nikita, Hell's Kitchen, Burn Notice and a few more. But since True Blood recently ended and the rest are either on a break or nearing its season finale, I'm so excited that new shows will air very soon! Gone are the days when the Philippines is waaay behind foreign TV series thank you to ETC's Match Airing programming.

They're bringing the newest seasons of Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, Glee, America's Next Top Model (All Stars) and a new show The Secret Circle! I may watch a lot of action and serious series like Dexter, Game of Thrones or National Geographic and documentaries but I'm still a girl and I can't give in to these shows. Excited much!


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  1. Love your skirt melai! I hope i can go so i can see you stylish ladies!

  2. aahh the skirt! is amazing. you look so cute.. p.s. If you haven’t already.. I entered a blogger contest and I really need you to 'like' my picture.. it only takes a second. And the contest only runs until today (Friday) 3pm GMT (+1)! I'd really appreciated. here is an explanation: http://cyliaaaa.blogspot.com/2011/09/tag.html

  3. eggzited to see you at the bazaar. :)

  4. @Mestizay: Thank you girl! Yes please drop by. We'll be out for a while due to an event so the best day we'll really be there the whole day is Sunday!

    @Cylia: Thank you so much dear! Okay I'll help you in your entry! NP :)

    @Vian: Yey! Eggzited tooooo! :)

  5. wow, I love this look! And I love your room. It's too cool! :)

  6. Those shoes are to die for
    you look as wonderful as ever :)



  7. @Little Black Sheep Fashion
    Thank you :) It's not that cool in person. Haha. It's just in the photo. Haha. Thanks again :)

    Thanks dear! :)

  8. Hi Melai! will drop by your booth tomorrow! see ya! Love your shoes from Manels by the way! :)

    xx Kaye

  9. @Kaye: Thanks! See you! Hope you arrive before we leave for Blogapalooza! :)

  10. i love your look! i think you have a unique style, and i mean it. looking forward for more style updates ;)

  11. @Wynne: Thanks dear :) Appreciate it much! :)

  12. thnx for visiting my blog :) nice nerdy specs! love ur necklace :P

    xoxo jenna

  13. i love this random post melai! you make me miss my dalaga room. i can't leave things lying around or on display anymore in my bedroom now. wawa naman si dennis :P

    join my giveaway!

  14. love your shoes, and the pattern of your skirt!!

  15. @The petite blogger: Yeah, I've been following you since I started blogging but I'm not so much of a commenter. Haha, keep it up! :)

    @Malibumara: Thanks dear :)

    @Caroline: Thank you so much!

    @fashioneggplant: Sarah! Haha, thanks :) Miss you!

    @Pop Champagne: Thank you very much!! :)


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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