

12:03 PM

Simply no words for Inception.

It is one of those moments when I wished I haven’t used "amazing", "awesome" and "great" that often. Now that I plan on applying these words to commend one of probably the best films of the year, these would seem like an understatement.

Director Christopher Nolan

Director Christopher Nolan, the man who brought us The Dark Night has outdone himself. His skill, craftsmanship and mastery of the film language is impeccable. He has indeed raised, once again, the bar of filmmaking.

All the hype about this movie isn’t just an exaggeration. It is truly a film that is all-original, creative, inventive and ambitious. What stunned me most about Inception is that in my whole-life experience as a viewer, I have never seen anything like it and the story isn't similar to anything I've watched so far.

The backbone of the film, the screenplay, which was written by no other than Nolan himself, is just genius. The concept of a dream within a dream, the idea of planting an idea or stealing it from someone's mind is brilliant. Though Inception isn’t a simple narrative, the effective storytelling keeps the average audience able to at least follow through. Despite it being full of research information and intricate details, the way the story was told isn’t alienating or exclusive to the intellectuals.

Engaging and mentally stimulating, the plot progresses in a nice story arc that is incredibly deep, complicated and mind-boggling. Full attention from the audience is a must. From beginning to end, the story has hooked the eye, the ear, the heart and the mind, keeping the interest and fascination flaming up even beyond the ending.

I wanted to say more but the reviews say it all.

Photos from: nolanfans.com

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  1. I loved Inception, too :) I enjoy reading your blog! I'm a new follower, seen you around Multiply as well <3

  2. I super loved this movie as well! There were two people that sat sort of close to us who kept talking really loud and I literally told them to "SHHH PLEASE" cus I was really into it and I can't believe they even found time to chitchat! and then somebody else's phone went off and i swear i was really planning on telling her off if she answered it and started talking.. good think she shut it off haha.

  3. I agree
    Best movie I watched this year
    You should watch shutter Island!



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