
BEYOND FASHION: By faith, not by deeds

5:44 PM

By faith, not by deeds
A Holy Week special by Style and Soul

"By this grace, you are saved through faith, a not of you; it is the gift of God, not of works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8

For most of us, Lent is commemorated by visiting several churches, reciting novenas, requiring ourselves not to eat meat or fast for a couple of days and even resorting to doing even the most unthinkable or gregarious "panata" (oath, vow, devotion).
All these acts in lieu of tradition to venerate the greatest story of sacrifice - the exchange of One's divine life for humanity. There is no greater love for man, than God's offering of His son, Jesus Christ to accept pain and suffering and die on the cross to save us from sins. This choice has been made out of love. And even though love is universal to man, the kind of love the Lord has for His people is beyond imagination.
The opening verse of this entry taken from the book of Ephesians reminds us that by His sacrifice and grace, we are saved through our faith. His overwhelming love and the significance of His sacrifice doesn't require much from us. All we need to do is believe, have faith (let's not talk about religion) and develop a deep personal relationship with Him.

Why not by deeds? Because we tend to count what we have "done". God doesn't want us to be like the Pharasees in the Bible who were proud of their so-called righteousness. Doing good, what is right and all the other "panata" isn't because (in our heads) we want to go to heaven after we die. Acts of goodness come out naturally in a man as manifestation of his faith and relationship with the Lord, not because of humane intentions.

Lenten season is the perfect opportunity for us to work on our faith and build a spiritual life closer to God. It is a time to let go of life's stresses and reflect in stillness, to be alone and engage in private conversation with Him and just let it all out. Apart from venting out our woes, we should learn to listen to what He has to say, for us to get to know Him more, know Him better. A prayer is the perfect moment to let go and let God.

I don't claim to have a better relationship with Him than anyone else. I often stumble, always sorry and repentant. There were times when I would question my purpose and His plans for me. Other than prayers, I keep myself inspired with praise and worship songs because these put words in a lot of emotions that I can't explain.

One of my all-time favorite songs is Who am I? by the Casting Crowns. For me, this is one of the best praise and worship songs ever written. Kindly take your time watch it (video) and reflect on the touching and meaningful lyrics. It is the best reminder of Jesus' greatest story of sacrifice.

And whenever I ask myself that question, here You are God, answering me back through its lyrics. Lord you told me who I am, I am Yours.

I wish everyone a blessed holy week. :)


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  1. I'm so happy with this post that I will quote you in my FB status message. =D

  2. Aww! I love how you use your blog to bring glory to God and speak about real faith. :) God bless you Melai :)

  3. i have the same thing in mind, melai! thanks for reading my entry! have a blessed weekend :)

  4. I love this post :) Happy Easter, Melai! :)

  5. I love your blog just followed you.. can you follow me as well? thank you..

  6. "Who am I" is one of my favorite christian songs. I can listen to it everyday- again and again. Thanks for sharing this ♥ Spread the Word!


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