
Last call! OXYGEN x STATUS Magazine Tee Off

2:37 PM

I know, I know this plug might be too last minute but today's the last day, last chance for you to join the Oxygen X Status Magazine photographic t-shirt contest. For those who are probably thinking twice but deep inside, wanting to join the contest, you're just one click away!

It's now or never! Shoot those awesome photographs and submit your entries! Be one of the four winners and have your designs produced in limited edition Oxygen shirts. Not only that, you will also be featured in Status Magazine's April 2011 editorial issue plus Sony Ericsson X10 Mini Phones!

Wow! Bongga prizes so snap those photos and submit to info@statusmagonline.com. Contest ends today at 11:59 pm! Rush those entries and take your chance!

In other news, speaking of Oxygen, the brand welcomes the love month with new products for everyone - an all-affordable and all-new line of perfume and shirt series which will be available nationwide.

The new scent is called XX for women and XY for men both priced at P399 only.

Meanwhile, Oxygen launched a line of cool and comfy shirts featured in the first Oxygen X-Series collection this season. A collaboration with known celebrity and fashion photographer, Doc Marlon, gives life to plain cotton shirts with his remarkable photographs. How much? Below P500! Only P469 for guys and P449 for the ladies!

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