
Salt and Sand

1:00 PM

I dislike the beach. But let me clarify, I don't hate it.

Usually when I say this, I've gotten used to how people would react - either totally surprised or they will violently contest and defend how wonderful beaches are and would not let me go till I give a satisfying answer to the question, "Why not?"

Sheer cover-up Thrifted | Denim shorts | Swimwear Landmark | Sandals Solemate | Shell necklaces Kultura

I don't know, I guess I just prefer the mountains better. My ideal trip would involve trekking, camping and/or sight-seeing instead of soaking under the sun and in salt water. Just like everyone else, I have insecurities. As much as I love (and I'm very much contented) with my morena complexion, it doesn't in anyway mean I'm okay to getting any darker than this. Not to mention, I have this very uncomfortable and awkward affair with swimsuits.

This blog has been around for a while and yet, there's a scarcity of beach or swimwear posts. If there's any consolation, the beach sights fascinate me.
Tricycle ride in Boracay costs P75 - P180. Ang mahal!

Cheyser and her Island Girl ad

On our second day in Boracay for the #LiveTattoo weekend, everyone wanted to hit the beach, take a swim and soak up under the sun.

Since it was my first time, I pulled away from the group after lunch and walked what seemed to be a long mile from D'Mall Station 1 - 3. Unsure if I'm just difficult to please, I found nothing much but a bunch of restaurants and stalls lined up. Congested with Asian and Caucasian, as well as local tourists, there was no extra special "something" except for a busy beach. Everything on sale, I can buy in Manila for a waaay cheaper price. And if you just want to party, the city has more than enough options and a better crowd. Similar to what other people had told me, Boracay is indeed crowded and overrated.

Despite the harsh judgment, there are reasons why Boracay is considered as one of Asia's top beach destinations. You'd be surprised at how wide the beach area is, vast enough for one whole day of an exhausting photo walk. Traverse fine grains of white sand and encounter the hospitable and friendly locals. Walking around with your DSLR on display would never be a problem since no one would seem to attempt to snatch it away. Get lost and asking for directions will be such a breeze.

Taho in Boracay costs P30. Ang mahal!

Yup, nothing special about the beach probably. But the trip was memorable. It was just what I needed. I couldn't be more than thankful to have met new bloggers, experience their company, listen to their stories, exchange interesting conversations and at the end of the day appreciate the simplest things like the gorgeous beach sunset and the starry night sky.

Disclosure: Boracay trip was courtesy of Globe Tattoo.


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  1. @claudine: Yeah! It's just not for me though. But it's just me. I'm weird like that. Haha. :) Enjoy the beach! :)

  2. yeah it's completely okay to dislike the beach :) you have your reasons..don't worry about others might say ;) btw, i love all the pics..it's like going to bora virtually hehe


  3. @kissa: thanks for not judging me on my certain dislikes of the beach, haha! Thaaanks. I dislike it but it's still a beautiful place. Thanks for commending my photos! :)

    Melai of Style and Soul

  4. Beautiful pictures!! :)


  5. Melai, your photos don't seem to convey what you're saying about it not being a wonderful place to go to..haha..ang ga-ganda naman kasi ng photos mo, girl! :) I'm happy you still had a wonderful time Melai! :)

  6. @Roma: I knooow. Hahaha. Sorry if hindi match ang photos sa words. I want to take beautiful photos kasi but Boracay is sooooo crowded. Maybe why I didn't like it that much. But it's okay. I'd rather be somewhere secluded ganyan. I went to baler last time and it was gorgeous! Haha. :)

  7. wow!! i LOVE all photos!! absolutely stunning :)

    ps: thanks for commenting on my blog post!
    pps: Ms. Melai, i can't seem to find the 'follow' button on the top. that's is why i still can't find a way to follow your blog :(

    paint it stripes
    New Look of my blog, Hope you can check it out and tell me your thoughts :)

  8. That happens to me all the time! :) No matter how beautiful or disappointing a place can be, as long as you've got great memories and company, the trip's gonna be memorable!! :) I'd love to go to Bora soon, hopefully di pa siya super deteriorated by that time. >.<


  9. You look gorgeous! I love your beach look. I know what you mean....some times the beach can be more stressful than anything! Insecurities definitely get the best of us sometimes. Love the photos from the beach. So beautiful!


  10. @czar: aaw thanks! ehem, i'm suddenly proud of my shots! ahaha, since I changed my layout, I lost my GFC widget but yeah, I'll find ways!

    @arnie: I know right, it's really the memories that counts! :)

    @Ellie: thanks dear! :) I know I should be confident with my body but I can't lie to my feelings as well. I really feel like I couldn't wear swimsuits so what can I do right? But at least little by little confidence is something we can all work on ourselves. :)


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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