
Introducing "The Mutual" Productions

11:32 AM

My previous post (which was about some practical commuting-in-style tips) was well-received by a lot of readers and it somehow gave me the urge to either write the second half of it right away, or keep on publishing self-help entries whenever I can. I've been really trying to keep my blog updated even though I only do this as a hobby (sort-of-but-not-quite-anymore). It's because, the encouraging feedback that I get from other people (from you!) is fuel for me to continue with whatever it is that I'm doing here.

I used to be unsure about who I'm writing for. All I know is I've always wanted to be able to relate to someone like me, a budget fashionista who never lets any limitation get in the way of her passion for style an success. Thank you guys! I find it so sweet of you to comment, tweet and e-mail me about how much my Commuting In Style entry helped you a lot. Really, super aaww talaga!

Of course, as a fashionista commuter, I'm not always in bongga chic outfits. Its very helpful for me to know when to dress down naman. Good thing about my dress down days is that I have a couple of basics in my closet (should buy more actually!) and one of my favorites is this Giordano Lion Polo from Lloyda (Fashionista Fortune Cookie) who also works for the brand.

Lion Polo c/o Giordano | Pants Thrifted | Boots c/o Shoe Etiquette
I love red striped back of Giordano Lion Polo's collar
Comfy boots from Shoe Etiquette
I've worn this polo shirt so many times already during my errands, casual meetings and lazy days. However, it never graced my blog yet because it's either I forget to take photos or I'm too haggard to take an outfit shot na! Buti nalang I had a chill meeting over dinner with my production teammates Kim and Ilsa for The Mutual. THE MUTUAL is a production team founded by Kim, Ilsa and me. After college, all of us have been working freelance and we shared our rakets (commissioned projects) together especially when it entails film and video production.

Now, we finally decided to stop working as individuals who "contact friends that will tag along in each of our projects." Now, we concentrate on working as one team who offers clients a full production team package. Hire us for your shoot or events (coverage) and we will take care of everything - from organizing the shoot, to the equipment to use, the skills and talent on photography and videography, creative direction, concept, editing, sound and musical scoring.

For this group, what I bring to the table is my experience in marketing communication, production managment and  production design. Other than that, I also do styling, second/third unit photography and videography. Ilsa and Kim do best at photography, videography and editing. Meanwhile, conceptualization and creative direction are being handled by the three of us as well. You might think it's just the tree of us, but actually (as a team) we're not alone in this because depending on how big the project is, we also have other people on board who specialize in musical scoring, graphics, lighting design etc.

Meet the team: Kim Camelo, Ilsa Malsi, and me Melai
Literally, it's a package. You won't have to worry and outsource a different photographer, a different videographer, a separate editor and stylist and even production manager because we will take care of that  here in THE MUTUAL. The only thing you should think about is your budget. We don't price ourselves too low because we will give you a quality output. I can assure you though that the price is never too high because our rates would always tailor-fit your needs and budget.

Two of my readers have sent me an e-mail inquiring about our package and prices for their upcoming debuts and parties after seeing this viral video of Claire Unabia of America's Next Top Model (BTS of her Manila Bulletin shoot styled by Aisa Ipac & Jear De Mccuttac). I feel really great about this and I hope you can support us and refer us to your family and friends! ^__^

P.S. For photography, film and video production services of The Mutual, contact me as of now melanie_entuna@yahoo.com. Visit our site (under construction), http://flavors.me/the_mutual.

Outfit photos by: Ilsa Malsi


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  1. I love your booties :| wanna steal that dear

  2. gl to your team!
    happy halloween!

  3. i also have my preppy days too, babe! we all do. especially if super init lang talaga for layering. naku! these are great go to shirts:)

    looking forward to seeing you again!


  4. wow! congrats IlsaKimMelai!

    P.S. IMY! <3

  5. @Nadine: Thank you! You may get these boots at Shoe Etiquette (dot blogspot)

    @Jenny: Thank you very much! Happy halloween too!

    @Eden: You preppy? Ows! Queen of edge and fierceness ka kaya!

    @Hobo: Miss you too! I'll get you when we need more people depending on the project!

  6. Those booties are amazing, I love them!



  7. Hi, Melai! So my cousin, who happens to be a guy, a writer, and a video games aficionado, watched the BTS of Claire Unabia by Kim and Ilsa, I was surprised, at the same time thankful, he actually watched it, considering who he is and what he does. Haha! He commented "Apt use of The Kills." I don't exactly know what he meant (I shall ask him when we see each other this Sunday), but I know it's a good thing. :)

    Congratulations, The Mutuals! I'll definitely recommend you girls! :)

  8. I love your outfit! It's definitely commuter friendly. Good luck on The Mutual! :)


  9. love those shoes! and i agree you get what you pay for, totally agree with "We don't price ourselves too low because we will give you a quality output."!

  10. oh wow, i haven't seen this top worn in a while but you know what, you brought it back! <3 personal style definitely defies trends and time..i super adore you melai! can't wait to see you this december..<3

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

    Hahah! Thank you ha? Bawal maging losyang!

  12. But you're still stylish! *gasps* In my down days I'm literally in my pambahay.

    Wow, congrats for having a "name." it really makes production work more satisfying if you're doing it under your own company. Go for gold Melai! And get me as your raket writer! Hehe :)


I appreciate anything you have to say. Thanks for dropping by. It means so much to me. Love, Melai

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