
Backlog: Port 88 + Blogapalooza

10:01 PM

I really thought I would be updating my blog more last September. Well guess what - haven't done it again. Haha. My boyfriend told me that I should treat blogging like a job now (and not just some hobby or leisure) so it's something that I would be doing regularly.  

Well I guess I really should. Blogging isn't so much of a habit anymore unlike before and so, I should force myself to develop a system to follow so that even though I get busy, I'd still find time to actually get to it.

Before I blog about my most recent whereabouts, it's really important for me to write about our Port 88 Bazaar experience and thank all the shoppers, followers and blogger friends who really went out of their way to show their support for either Ana, Aisa, Aie, me or for more, the four of us! We had such a blast meeting all of you! Again, many, many thanks! *HUG*

Aisa and her reader :) Thanks for buying my lace dress!
If you didn't go, well... here were the bargains and stores you missed!

Sharing the booth with three other blogger friends was indeed so much fun. Made the time we stayed there worthwhile and enjoyable.

The obligatory pose-in-front-of-my-F-STOP-tarp photo. Haha. Kung maka-promote lang. Haha.
Are you guys really sisters? Weh?! Di nga? Haha. That's Ate Tricia, Pax's older sister (whoa?! Can't believe she's older). Haha peace Aisa!
Yez. It's the ever-so-blooming Aie.
Remember my mom? Who doesn't seem to support my business? Surprisingly, she went there to support! :)
One of the bloggers that I was very ecstatic to finally meet is Reese Lansangan of Dress Up Days. I love her blog and her daring, eclectic, quirky style. She's also the owner of Elan Bijoux accessories and her products are ah-maaaazing (and so is her haaiiirr)!

Check out the cool chunky necklace from her store!
On the first day of the bazaar, we weren't able to meet everyone who dropped by our booth because we went to the Blogapalooza event. It was a congregation of some sort for all bloggers from different categories who were all gathered together to witness companies present  their products and brand profiles. These are businesses that wanted to make a solid presence online through the help of the bloggers. Of course, the one who made it possible, to bridge the gap between brands and us [bloggers] is the team of Blogapalooza headed by Vince of When in Manila.

My blog url is posted on the photo wall. Coolness. :)
Snapshots of people at the registration booth.
Radio DJ Vince of When in Manila hosted the event.
With event buddies Ana and Ava (who's by the way getting prettier every day!)
Whenever I'd get a bit bored of too much presentation, I'd snap some bloggers! Hehe.
Then games would wake my spirit up. Lookie! Aisa won a bag raffle. Swerte naman!
We actually arrived late since we came all the way from the Port 88 Bazaar (traveling from Ortigas to Taguig was an effort and expensive via taxi, haha). Aaaw too bad, we missed the first few company presentations. It also was supposed to be a networking place but I was too shy (me too shy? ows?!), yes too shy and maybe a bit not-in-the-mood to approach someone else and give my card and promote myself. Although I do that here in my blog, hahaha, I just don't have the guts to do it in person. I'll do a better job next time. Hah!

There were just too many to mention brands and products and until now, I'm still sorting out which were the ones that I genuinely like enough to write about. So I'll get to that soon! How soon? We'll see... hahaha.

This is one of my most favorite presentations from Size Matters! I'm not the same as some girls out there who are really conscious about their body shape and weight. I love my full medium-sized body and I'm just always-on-the-go for huge burgers!

Here's the owner with his wife (being interviewed by Vince)
Yes, all the bloggers have tasted these!
So that's a wrap for now! Got so many giveaways and freebies from the Blogapalooza event and I can't wait to share them with all of youuuu. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll notice that I pretty much update my shop F-STOP aaaall the time but not so much on my blog though. Haha. See yah!


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  1. omg this looks like blog heaven, i wish i was there!

  2. Nice to finally meet you! hope to see you again next time! :)

    Fashion Blogger


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